Pervasive Prejudice

Circumstances reported daily continue to underscore the brokenness of our condition and prejudices. Let no one say they are above it. Whether the sacrifice of  countless black youth, or the vilification of people from Asia, or presumptions about young Hispanic people, or generalizations about white people, or the stereotyping and ostracizing of any other group — we seem to find a reason to divide.

 No one group can uniquely claim the edge on discrimination. The human heart seems always to seek defense and self-justification at the expense of another.  Selfishness builds the world around itself and makes the other suspect. What a time for followers of Jesus to demonstrate the better way of selflessness. God has made every person imprinted with God’s own image and worthy of dignity, respect, and honor. In that image, we find unity in Christ. 

The diversity of ethnicity, gender, age, and station affords believers opportunity to extend the love of God to all people irrespective of their differences. The segmentation of society resulting in racism, sexism, elitism or any other type of discrimination is contrary to the heart of God and God’s desire for people. Disciples of Jesus endeavor to bring God’s justice to all, advocating especially for those who are impacted by the sinful forces of prejudice wherever it is found.

Kevin Mannoia